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What is Startup Tenancy?

This article describes the Startup Tenancy on the Open Constitution network.

Startups, and entrepreneurship are promoted on the network.

Citizens who have activated their E Residency can avail network resources to build, deploy and scale their start-up product ideas, or new projects.

What type of benefits can the startups projects avail, by registering Startup Tenancy?

For example, citizens can unlock access to third party computing resources, network’s resources for building and deploying user applications.

Consumer driven startup product ideas can deploy use cases on the network’s beneficiary registry, to test and scale their models.

Startup teams can also access the patent free repositories or the source codes on the network.

The Self organising global community means Startups, registered as tenants on the Open Constitution network access international infrastructure.

Startup teams deploy their use cases to a global network, and network facilitates and supports project incubation.

The Startup teams also access mentor resources through Foundation’s open source accelerator.

Startup projects which graduate from the Open Source Exchange are assisted with regulatory frameworks and Intellectual Property leasing to deploy commercial models.

Who can register a Startup tenancy?

Anybody can register a startup project for the Startup tenancy on the Open Constitution network. They do so by simply become a citizen to the network first, and activating their E Residency lease.

Any project registered goes through a project lifecycle. The startup projects which graduate from the Open Source Accelerator are supported with reducing to practice in open source, their product offerings.

The citizens of the network who have founded a startup, simply register their Startup as a Tenant on the network.

Startup ideas and project ideas which focus on the social sustainable engineering ideas, ideas which restore ecological balance, create more diversity and inclusion

What does the network ask the startups in return for the tenancy?

Open Constitution requires a startup project to reduce to practice, any Intellectual property created on the OC network, to open source, licensed under the Open Constitution license.

Simply put, Startups need to open source their Intellectual Property.

For the graduates startups from the Open Source Exchange, their services are deployed on the digital public services network of the Open Constitution. Startup projects which graduate from the Open Source Exchange are assisted with regulatory frameworks and Intellectual Property leasing to deploy commercial models.

How do then these startups make money, if they open source their IP?

Open sourcing the intellectual property which is generated as part of Startup tenancy on the Open Constitution network does not mean that the Foundation precludes commercial service models. Startups can charge or deploy their services in a commercial model.

More details are described on this Program site. Open Source Exchange

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